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YU College of Medicine 12th Alumni Donates 100 Million KRW for YU Development Funds N

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  • Date : 2020.09.11 09:23
  • Views : 8345

The 12th alumni of the College of Medicine held the ‘Homecoming Day’ commemorating the 30 year anniversary

Alumni team up to help with the development of the alma mater and juniors

Donated 10 million KRW for the alumni scholarship fund and development fund each also

[August 27, 2020]   
<YU College of Medicine 12th Alumni donated 100 Million KRW for YU development funds> 

  The YU College of Medicine 12th Alumni (Alumni Association Chairperson Jung Ui-dal, Steering Committee Chairperson Ahn Jae-hong) held the ‘Homecoming Day’ event to commemorate the 30th year anniversary of admissions.


  This event that was helled at the YU College of Medicine in Daemyeong-dong on August 22 minimized attendees to representatives of the 12th alumni to prevent the spread of COVID-19. At this event, YU President Sur Gil-soo, Vice-dean of the College of Medicine and Medical Center Director Kim Tae-nyeon, Affiliated Hospital Director Kim Sung-ho, External Cooperation Office Director Heo Chang-deok, and College of Medicine Alumni Association Chairman Kim Jong-young attended to welcome the alumni.


  The 12th alumni of the College of Medicine donated 100 million KRW for development funds for their alma mater at this homecoming event. They also donated 10 million KRW to the alumni scholarship fund and development fund.   
   College of Medicine Dean Yoon Sung-soo said in his welcoming address, “I hope that you look at how much your alma mater has developed that is no longer simply a regional medium-sized university, but is now developing into a flexible and creative college as a global medical university, and continue to show your support for your alma mater.”


  Alumni Ahn Jae-hong, who was the steering committee chairman for this homecoming event said, “It has been 30 years since I began studying here with huge dreams to become a student of medicine back in 1990. I am very proud of the fact that YU alumni have now become veteran medical professionals all around the nation fulfilling their social responsibilities.” He pledged to continue his love for his alma mater saying, “I will continue to work hard to fulfill my duties as a medical professional.”