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YU Selected for the Ministry of Education’s ‘Basic Science Research Capacity Improvement Project’ N

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  • Date : 2020.07.23 10:20
  • Views : 8392

Received 610 million KRW in additional funding for selection in project to construct research equipment and to promote joint research

Selected for ‘Core Research Support Center’ establishment support project last year receiving up to 3.6 billion KRW over 6 years

Expected to improve university research capacities and have synergy effects in fostering professional researchers

[July 6, 2020]   
   YU (President Sur Gil-soo) was selected for the ‘2020 Basic Science Research Capacity Improvement Project’ supported by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation.


  The ‘Basic Science Research Capacity Improvement Project’ is a project that supports the construction of research equipment needed for growth and advancement in order to improve the university’s R&D capacities and to build an efficient research ecosystem. It is a support project overseen by the Ministry of Education with the goal of promoting joint research centering on core research support centers specialized by research fields. Universities are selected and supported in the three fields of ▲establishing a core research center ▲constructing research equipment ▲promoting joint research. This year, YU was selected for the Research Equipment Construction Support Project (Principal Researcher Professor of Pharmacy Nam Joo-won) and the Joint Research Promotion Support Project (School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Cho Dae-won).


  YU plans to construct the ‘High Resolution Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer’ with government funding of 310 million KRW for the research equipment construction support project. This new research equipment will be able to analyze various natural substances and medical substances, and also analyze very small quantities and highly difficult substances such as dioxin, which is very toxic. It will be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis, identification and verification of compounds encompassing all sectors including environment, food safety, clinical study, forensic toxicology, pharmaceutics, and chemicals. It is expected that with the construction of this research equipment, the YU Natural Materials Medical Substance Core Research Support Center will be reinforced with qualitative analysis functions, therefore becoming a general analysis center that can perform structural, ingredient and content analysis. In addition, a total of 300 million KRW will be received for the Joint Research Promotion Support Project from this year until February 2023 and will be used for research activity costs and material costs.


  Last year, the YU ‘Natural Material Medical Substance Core Research Center (Center Director Nam Joo-won)’ was selected for the basic science research capacity improvement project, and it is pursuing the project with national funding of about 3.6 billion KRW (600 million KRW annually) for up to six years (3+3 years).


  YU Industry-Academic Research Office Director Park Yong-wan said, “We were selected last year for the Core Research Support Center establishment project and additionally selected for the resaerch equipment construction and joint research promotion support project this year. We are thus expected to be able to create synergy in pursuing basic science research capacity improvement projects.” He added, “The university will provide full support to not only improve the qualitative levels of research, but also to foster research experts.”