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YU Cheonma Professors Association Donates 30 Million KRW for Student Scholarships N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2020.07.23 10:18
  • Views : 8342

The YU Alumni Professors Association “gathered the will of alumni professors to help students who are also our juniors”

Operating a scholarship fund for students... Donated 160 million KRW in scholarships

Continued donations to scholarships for students by professors and employees

[July 7, 2020]   
   The YU Cheonma Professors Association (Chairman Baek Eung-yul) handed over 30 million KRW in scholarships for students.


  The Cheonma Professors Association is an association comprised of professors who are alumni of YU and there are currently 243 members. The Cheonma Professors Association has been operating a separate scholarship fund for students. They handed over 160 million KRW in scholarships to students so far and they decided to donate an additional 30 million KRW.


  At 2 p.m. On July 6, YU Cheonma Professors Association Chairman Baek Eung-yul and Vice-chairman Moon Yong-sun met with YU President Sur Gil-soo asking to use the scholarship funds for students. YU plans to use his scholarship fund for students in the second semester of 2020.


  YU Cheonma Professors Association Chairman Baek Eung-yul (School of Materials Science and Engineering professor) said, “As COVID-19 continues to spread, we know that students are facing many difficulties in their studies. YU alumni professors chipped in to help, however trivial, students who are also our juniors, with their studies.” He added, “I hope that you remember that you always have professors and alumni seniors who are quietly rooting for you and hope that you can navigate through such hardships.”

  Professors have been continuously donating to scholarship funds for students this year. On July 1, the YU Female Professors Association also donated 20 million KRW for scholarships. YU plans to use this scholarship to provide support for students having difficulties with their studies due COVID-19.


  YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “Both students and professors are facing difficult times due to COVID-19. Recently, professors and employees have been voluntarily giving money to be used for student scholarships.” He added, “I am very thankful as the president of the university as I have to manage the university amidst a situation with many financial difficulties for the school. I am confident that if professors, employees, students, and even alumni all unite, we will be able to wisely overcome COVID-19.”