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‘IT Empowerment PT Contest / YU Learning Awards’ Held N

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  • Date : 2020.12.10 09:54
  • Views : 8858

‘Extracurricular Learning Activity Contest’ awards for the second semester of 2020
Sharing and spreading self-development success cases with students

Sharing outstanding works through the ‘Education Development Center homepage’

[December 3, 2020]
<Winners of the IT Empowerment Program Presentation Contest>

 The YU Education Development Center (Director Kim Geun-ho) held the 2020 second semester learning-related program contest <IT Empowerment Program Presentation Contest) and <YU Learning Award> on November 26.


  The <IT Empowerment Program Presentation Contest> is an IT capacity contest published by making presentations containing self-introduction/employment portfolio and school/department/club PR (information). A total of 40 people participated in this contest. After the first PPT utilization review and second presentation ability review, one person was selected for the grand prize (Business Administration, Cha Seung-eun), three received second place awards (Special Physical Education Hwang Sung-hyun, Urban Planning and Engineering Yoo Sun-ho, Korean Language Education Lee Da-gyeong), and five were selected for third place (Electric Engineering Kim Yoon-hwan, Korean Language Education Yuk Tae-gyun, English Language and Literature Lee Jung-yeon, Biotechnology Shin Yoo-jung, and Korean Language Education Kim Eun-hye).


  Cha Seung-eun (21, Business Administration, junior), who won the grand prize, said, “I hope that many students of our university will use such programs as opportunities to demonstrate their abilities and skills.”


  The <YU Learning Award> is an extracurricular learning activity contest in which students participate in various school programs such as clubs, study groups, mentoring, internship, etc. and produces and shares their experiences and success cases in UCC format. In this contest, 22 works and 30 people participated and they were reviewed based on attractiveness of the work, content, and possibility for outreach of cases. The grand prize went to one team (Business Administration Choi Ji-ae, Chemical Engineering Ryu Ga-hyeon), and second place went to to students (Business Administration Park Hye-jin, Electrical Engineering Yang Hoo-seok), and three won third place (Urban Planning and Engineering Yoo Sun-ho, Chemistry and Biochemistry Shim Ji-min, Accounting and Taxation Ryu Hwa-hyeon).
<YU Learning Award winners>
 Choi Ji-ae (19, Business Administration, freshman), who won the grand prize at the <YU Learning Award>, said, “My first year at college is with contact-free and online classes, but I was surprised and delighted that I could take part in various activities online.”


  The winning works for this contest can be seen at the YU Education Development Center homepage.

 URL ☞ http://ctl.yu.ac.kr/student/board.php?wd=10&menu_code=11


  After the awards, the winners met with YU President Sur Gil-soo to talk frankly about college life such as career plans, classes, etc. YU President Sur Gil-soo said, “Our students also have the challenging spirit, passion and willpower of the Wright Brothers.” I hope that students will actively look for their paths even during the coronavirus pandemic.”