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YU Students, “Increase Farm Income Using Live Commerce!” N

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  • Date : 2020.10.29 09:53
  • Views : 8554

Department of Media and Communication students win the grand prize at the ‘Untact Age, Contact Consumption’ video contest

Submitted a video titled ‘A Small Store Coming to You’

Short drama to intuitively understand ‘Live Commerce’

[October 21, 2020]    

<Department of Media and Communication students who won the grand prize at the college video contest, ‘Untact Age, Contact Consumption’>

<From left to right, Heo Sung-yong, Kim Yoo-jeong, Lee Soo-jin)

   Students from the YU Department of Media and Communication won the grand prize at the college video contest, ‘Untact Age, Contact Consumption’.


  The theme of this contest co-hosted by the Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies and Lotte Home Shopping was production of a public benefit commerce video to promote products of domestic SMEs. ‘Live Commerce’ is an online channel that introduces and sells products to viewers through real-time video streaming services. Its use has become highly active lately as the untact economy has been gaining traction.


  Submissions for the contest were received from September 14 to October 4 and in result, YU Department of Media and Communication students such as Heo Sung-yong (24, senior), Lee Soo-jin (23, senior), and Kim Yoo-jeong (21, junior) were selected for the grand prize and the awards ceremony was held on October 14.


  Their work submitted to the contest was titled ‘A Small Store Coming to You’. This was a 1-minute 24-second commercial video in the form of a drama that introduced live commerce that could help farms struggling due to COVID-19.

   The students said, “We depicted live commerce in which consumers can see products in their tiny phone screen in the untact age as a ‘small store coming to consumers’,” and added, “We tried to show farmers struggling and make it easy to understand how products are sold using live commerce.”


  Their piece was evaluated to show farmers that are currently struggling about live commerce and the solution was presented in an intuitive video format. Heo Sung-yong said, “I believe that our work fit the theme of the contest by providing solutions using ‘live commerce’ according to the trends of the time to SMEs and farms that are struggling because of COVID-19.”