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YU Medical Center Remodels ‘Surgical Critical Center and Surgery Rooms’ N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2021.01.28 10:12
  • Views : 8625

First hospital outside of the capital area to introduce the high-tech angiography machine, ARTIS

Diagnosis, procedures and surgery simultaneously possible at the hybrid surgery room... Treatment within the golden time

Build aseptic surgery room, negative pressure quarantine rooms, etc. and expand advanced medical facilities and equipment

[January 18, 2021] 


  The YU Medical Center (Director Kim Sung-ho) announced that it completed the remodeling of the surgical critical care room and surgery room on the 14th.


  Through this remodeling, YU built an aseptic surgery room, thus constructing the optimal environment for artificial joint surgery, spinal surgery, and brain surgery. The aseptic surgery room circulates air through a HEPA filter that can remove over 99.7% of particles to sizes of 0.3 in the air to reduce the risk of infection during operations.


  In addition, the high-tech two-directional angiography system ‘ARTIS icono Biplane’ that is the first outside of the capital area was installed in the hybrid surgery room. This is the third for all in Korea. This device allows two-directional imaging to reduce the burden of patients for contrast medium and it also applied the OPTIQ algorithm, which is the latest imaging technology, allowing it to obtain high resolution images with efficient radiation quantity. By allowing simultaneous diagnosis, procedures and surgery within the hybrid surgery room, it is possible to treat patients within the golden time. 

    The surgical critical care room operating a total of 25 beds (general quarantine room: 5, negative pressure quarantine room: 5, general beds: 15) gained more space by moving the severe cardiovascular patients and neurosurgery patients, which were operated in the same place in the past.  In order to prevent infections, which have become a bigger issue since COVID-19, the space between beds were kept at 3m and a negative pressure quarantine room was also furnished. The Ceiling Pendant System that mounts equipment on the ceiling of the surgery room to receive gas, oxygen and electricity was installed to enhance not only safety, but also convenience and efficiency when using surgery equipment.


  Director Kim Sung-ho said, “We will continue to do our best for safe surgeries as a hospital with grade 1 capacities for surgery room patient safety management.”