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Professor Park Joo-hyun Selected as World’s ‘Top 1%’ Researcher for 6th Straight Year N

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  • Date : 2020.11.26 10:46
  • Views : 8854

‘Top 1% for thesis citation’ in the three fields of math, computer science, and engineering

Only 9 researchers in the world selected for 3 or more fields... Only in Korea

Professor Park’s student also selected for two consecutive years... Teacher and student recognized as global researchers

[November 19, 2020]  

  YU Department of Electrical Engineering Professor Park Joo-hyun (52) was selected as a world’s top 1% researcher once again. He was selected as the world’s most influential researcher for six straight years from 2015


  Clarivate Analytics, a global information analysis company, announced the ‘most influential researcher in the world in 2020’, or ‘top 1% most frequently cited theses (Highly Cited Researchers, HCR),’ on the 18th.


  Professor Park was again selected as the world’s top 1% researcher in the three fields of mathematics, computer science, and engineering. There are only 9 people in the world selected as top 1% researchers in more than fields. Professor Park was the only one selected from Korea. Being selected as an HCR in multiple fields means that the researcher exhibits influence in a wide range of areas, and it is a recognition as unparalleled research capacities even among world acclaimed researchers.


  There was a total of 6,167 people from over 60 countries around the world who were named in this year’s HCR. There are a total of 41 researchers in Korea who were selected as HCR, and 39 of them are Korean. Professor Park was the only one in Korea to be selected in three different fields, and three others were selected for two fields. Included among them are the global scholar in the nano-sector who received attention as a candidate for the Nobel Prize this year, Seoul National University Seated Professor Hyun Taek-hwan who was named in two fields.


  HCRs are selected from a total of 22 fields comprised of 21 sectors in natural and social sciences, and 1 cross-field (researcher with high impact on researchers in various fields). Professor Park Joo-hyeon’s student and professor at Jeonbuk National University Department of Electronic Engineering, Lee Tae-hee was also selected for the second consecutive year in the cross field sector. Professor Lee earned her bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate’s at YU and served as a post-doctorate researcher at YU and Deakin University in Australia, and was appointed as a professor at Jeonbuk National University in September of 2017. The teacher Professor Park and student Professor Lee were both recognized as global researchers.


  Clarivate selects HCR researchers based on analytical information conducted by its subsidiary institute ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) data and measuring bibliography experts and data scientists. HCR and Nobel Prize winner prediction programs, etc. are announced every year, and it has close cooperative relations with colleges around the world, companies, and public institutes. A total of 26 Nobel Prize winners including three winners from this year were included in the 2020 HCR list. 
  HCR은 과학 및 사회과학 등 21개 분야와 크로스필드(Cross Field, 다른 여러 분야 연구자에게 높은 영향력을 준 연구자) 1개를 포함해 총 22개 분야에서 선정한다. 박주현 교수의 제자인 전북대 전자공학과 이태희 교수도 지난해에 이어 2년 연속 크로스필드 부문에서 선정됐다이 교수는 영남대에서 학사석사박사를 취득한 국내파로 영남대와 호주 디킨대학교(Deakin University) 박사후연구원을 거쳐 2017년 9월 전북대 교수로 임용됐다스승인 박 교수와 함께 세계적인 연구자로 발돋움했다.
  클래리베이트는 산하 기관인 ISI(Institute for Scientific Information)의 데이터 및 계량 서지학 전문가데이터 과학자들이 수행한 분석 정보를 바탕으로 HCR 연구자들을 선정하고 있다매년 HCR을 비롯해 노벨상 수상자 예측 프로그램 등을 발표하며 전 세계 대학기업 및 공공기관들과 긴밀한 협력을 맺고 있다. 2020년 HCR 명단에는 올해 노벨상 수상자 3명을 포함해 총 26명의 노벨상 수상자들이 포함되어 있다.