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'Race of Passion’ Baja SAE Korea Finale! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2020.08.26 14:05
  • Views : 8404
15 teams from 13 universities compete at the YU Gyeongsan Campus from the 19th to 22nd
General evaluation on design, safety, braking, durability, etc. - Ajou University ‘A-FA’ team wins first place overall
Gained experience through the contest by completing design and production
[August 22, 2020]
<2020 Baja SAE Korea (Durability Test)>
 The 2020 Baja SAE Korea at Yeungnam University’ closed its curtains on the 22nd after four days of fiery passion.
   This was the 25th anniversary of this contest and a total of 15 teams from 14 universities including Kyonggi University, Ajou University and Korea Aerospace University faced off against each other. On the first day of the competition on the 19th, the competing vehicles were moved in, training for volunteers was held, and the best papers were presented. On the second day at 9 a.m., the participants completed registration and static tests to check the vehicle design’s creativity, safety, ease of maintenance, possible for mass production, etc., and basic driving inspections and rule meetings were held. On the 21st, which was the third day of the event, an official opening ceremony was held with the attendance of all the participating teams, volunteers, sponsors, etc. at the main field, and the participating teams held a car parade all around the YU campus. Dynamic tests on acceleration, max speed, rock climbing, and passing mud were held in the afternoon. On the last day of the event, which was the 22nd, the highlight of the competition, which was the durability test, was held on the offroad at the mountain behind the YU water purification tank.
<2020 Baja SAE Korea participants>
<2020 Baja SAE Korea - Dynamic Test)>
   At this contest, the Ajoun University ‘A-FA’ team took overall first place, followed by ‘Speeding’ team of Keimyung University in second and ‘TU-A.M.G’ team of Tongmyong University in third place.
    YU Department of Automotive Engineering Professor Hwang Pyeong, who has been overseeing this contest for the past 25 years, said, “It is disappointing that not many domestic and foreign universities were able to participate due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the difficult conditions, the participants who worked hard for this contest had a valuable opportunity for experience and learning throughout the course of this contest.” He added, “The experience for students conducting research for automobile design and production, and competing in the competition will be greatly important assets for their future.”
  The YU Baja SAE Korea is a contest where college students compete in making their own automobiles and it first began in 1996. In 2001, it was the first in Korea to receive approval from the US Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and it was promoted into an international contest, which is held every year by YU.