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YU Saemaul Scholarship Association Continues ‘Junior Love Scholarship’ for the 15th Year N

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  • Date : 2021.01.13 12:51
  • Views : 8604

Scholarship association founded in 2003 mainly by alumni who were recipients of the ‘Saemaul Scholarship’ and supports academic work for students every year

‘Academic encouragement’ for junior students for the past 15 years... Second scholarship support this year

Provided 235 million KRW in scholarships to 249 students cumulatively

[December 23, 2020]2020122312.jpg

  The YU Saemaul Scholarship Association (Chairman Choi Oe-chool) handed over an ‘academic encouragement scholarship’ to encourage students on the 22nd. This is the Junior Love Scholarship that celebrates its 15th anniversary this year.


  In June, the YU Saemaul Scholarship Association had already donated a ‘Beat COVID-19 Encouragement Allowance’ with the hopes that students facing difficulties due to the spread of COVID-19 will not stop their studies and continue to work toward their goal.


  The YU Saemaul Scholarship Association was founded in 2003 mainly around alumni who studied with the support of the Saemaul scholarship in the YU Department of Regional Development (currently International Development and Saemaul Undong) to support the studies of younger students. Since it was founded, it provided 235 million KRW in scholarships to 249 students in total.


  A total of 44 students applied for the scholarship and 12 were selected (6 sophomores, 6 juniors) and each student was given 1 million KRW for a total of 12 million KRW. All of the students who received the scholarships this time around are students enrolled at YU in International Development and Saemaul Undong).


  YU Saemaul Scholarship Association Chariman Choi Oe-chool (Professor of International Development and Saemaul Undong) stated, “I know that everyone is tired and having difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After hearing news of students who said they were able to continue their studies without pausing from their studies thanks to the ‘Beat COVID-19 Encouragement Allowance’ last semester, we decided to offers scholarships again in the second semester.” He added, “Though it is not a large amount, I hope that it can help students to not become discouraged and continue their studies. We hope that students who received this assistance can grow into people who can repay the assistance to the society in the future. It has almost been a year since being able to meet with students in person. I hope that I can see students in classrooms again and their smiles soon.”