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YU-Dokdo Volunteer Forces Enter MOU for ‘Dokdo Education and Research’ N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2021.06.29 10:22
  • Views : 9053

Gathering the capacities of the two institutes to enhance awareness of Dokdo and to strengthen territorial claims

Agreed on academic research related to Dokdo and joint-hosting of academic events

[June 16, 2021]
왼쪽에서 다섯 번째부터 서영득 회장, 최외출 총장.jpg

<YU-Dokdo Volunteer Forces enter work MOU>

(From fifth from left: Chairman Seo Young-deuk, President CHOI Oe-chool)

   YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) and the Dokdo Volunteer Forces (Chairman Seo Young-deuk) entered a work MOU to enhance national awareness on Dokdo and to strengthen territorial claims.


  This MOU was signed at the YU main building 3rd floor conference room at 11 a.m. on the 16th and it was entered with the goal of strengthening Dokdo territorial sovereignty education and academic research according to the ‘4th Framework Plan for Sustainable Use of Dokdo’ announced in March. The Dokdo Volunteer Forces is a foundation under the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs and was established to provide the respect and support for the Dokdo volunteers and their families and to spread the contributions and patriotism of the Dokdo Volunteer Forces.


  With this MOU, the two institutes agreed to ▲co-host academic research and events related to Dokdo ▲mutual cooperation for promoting education on Dokdo ▲strengthening territorial claims for Dokdo.


  Dokdo Volunteer Forces Chairman Seo Young-deuk, who participated in the MOU ceremony, commented, “This MOU has provided the platform to learn the valuable data and knowhow from the YU Dokdo Research Institute that has expertise on Dokdo-related research and education. Through the close exchange and cooperation of the two institutes, we will spread the efforts and patriotism who championed the protection of our territory in Dokdo.”


  YU President CHOI Oe-chool said, “It is anticipated that through the work MOU between the two institutes having expertise in education, research and hands-on work related to Dokdo, there will be synergy effects in activities for strengthening Dokdo territorial claims.” while adding, “I believe that the future for the next generation will be bright only when learning history accurately and preparing for the future. I hope that the two institutes will engage in various Dokdo-related education and academic research projects through assertive exchange so that not only Koreans, but everyone in the world will be clearly aware that Dokdo is the territory of the Republic of Korea.”


  The YU Dokdo Research Institute that was designated as a policy-centered research institute of the Ministry of Education is serving as a hub for domestic Dokdo research centering on historical research. It holds domestic and international academic conferences and monthly academic seminars, and it is advocating the heightening of awareness on Dokdo for general citizens through the ‘Dokdo Citizens Classes’ and ‘Touring Dokdo Exhibits.’