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Want to Know More about YU? Then Visit ‘YU’ on YouTube! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2021.06.15 15:27
  • Views : 9505

64 departments produced 219 pieces joined by 657 people for ‘department introduction videos’ and released via YouTube

Introduction of departments according to youth trends, both ‘informational and fun’ through unique ideas

Providing admissions information through ‘distinguished methods of delivering information about departments’... Expected to help students choose their department

[June 7, 2021]

   YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) students stepped up to share the characteristics of the school’s departments accurately to soon-to-be college students. 
2106_사진.jpg YU held the ‘2021 YU Department Introduction Video Contest’ from April 14 to May 6. It aims at providing information needed for college entrance exam-taking students by having current students of YU departments creating videos to introduce their departments at the eye-level of youths.


  The response from students was quite hot. Applications continued to flow in until the 4 p.m. Deadline on May 6, so the deadline was extended to midnight. In the end, a total of 657 people from 219 teams in 64 departments participated. A total of 219 videos made by students with unique ideas for introducing their departments were submitted.


  At the awards ceremony held on the 3rd, the YU Department of Media and Communication’s ‘Apseogajo’ team’s ‘We are the Department of Media and Communication, Ahead of All Others’ won the grand prize. The Apseogajo Team made a 4 minute 38 second video to introduce the history and ideal candidates for the department, educational curriculum, academic society activities, career paths after graduation, and other activities of students, together with interviews with graduates and professors. There was also feedback that the overall perfection of the video such as storyline, filming, and editing were at professional levels.


  Kim Wan-gyu (25, YU Department of Media and Communication, senior) of the Apseogajo Team said, “We wanted to compress the information on the YU Department of Media and Communication to include the past to future of our department. We also inserted campus buildings, facilities, department jackets, and other images in the video that we thought new students in the future might want to know about.”


  Second place went to the School of Economic and Business ‘YUTE!’ team’s work, ‘School of Economic and Business. Come.’ The video was comprised of a story where students of the YU School of Economic and Business is introducing the department to a high schooler to persuade that student to join the department. They received good reviews for using terms often used by teenagers, and used quick screen transitions and unique subtitles to utilize unique ideas compared to other PR videos, as well as the high-quality video editing.


  The 219 works submitted to this contest can be checked at the official YU YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/YeungnamUniversity). YU plans to utilize the videos submitted to the contest for college admissions expositions, high school visit seminars, and other admissions PR events. It is expected that through the unique department PR different from admissions PR in the past, it is expected that soon-to-be college students, who will be the recipients of education, will give positive reviews.


  YU President CHOI Oe-chool said, “As students made teams and performed planning, idea meetings, filmed videos, editing, etc. to introduce their respective departments, they will have gained affection for their department and learned a lot,” while adding, “Many informative videos that containing the students’ experiences and department activities that can provide department on the department to their future juniors were submitted. It will also be helpful for college entrance exam-takers in selecting their departments.”


  Meanwhile, at this contest, the grand prize went to the Department of Media and Communication ‘Apseogajo’ Team (Kim Wan-gyu, Park Hyo-sang, Jung Hye-yoon), second place went to the School of Economic and Business ‘YUTE!’ Team (He Gyu-bo, Park Da-eun, Baek Woon-young), and the Department of International Development & Saemaul Undong ‘Morning Bell Has Rung!’ Team (Jung Seung-pil, Ha Yoon-seok, Sung Jung-eung), Department of Painting ‘Painting Hi’ Team (Jung Sun-hye, Koo Na-young, Lee Ga-hee), and the Department of Transart ‘Transcend’ Team (Jeon Sang-bae, Park Ji-hoon, Park Sang-seo) were also awarded