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YU School of Architecture Selected for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport’s ‘Architecture Design Personnel Fostering Project’ N

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  • Date : 2021.07.12 15:32
  • Views : 9044

Received the highest funding for project costs among Korean universities to carry out ‘domestic practical training and architectural exchange activities’

Recognized for excellence in site-oriented practical architectural education such as its operation of domestic and foreign field practices

[June 28, 2021]
영남대학교 건축학부 건축관 전경.jpg
<View of the YU School of Architecture Building>

  The YU School of Architecture was selected to receive the largest funding for project costs among domestic universities in the ‘Architecture Design Personnel Fostering Project’ sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement.


  The ‘Architecture Design Personnel Fostering Project’ is a program pursued by MOLIT since 2019 with the goal of supporting education and training. It has supported overseas training costs for young architects to learn various design and engineering techniques from overseas design offices or research institutes. As the COVID-19 situation prolonged, it has become participants to receive overseas training. Therefore, a domestic architecture company established a domestic training program costing a total of 1.3 billion KRW to help students enhance their architectural design capacities through practical training.


  The YU School of Architecture received a total of 129 million KRW and will provide domestic practical training and architectural exchange activities. In the domestic practical training section, 28 students majoring in architecture at the School of Architecture will perform domestic practical training for eight weeks, and will receive 1.5 million KRW for training costs per person. In addition, through support for architectural exchange activities, house-fixing volunteer activities, village survey and remodeling projects, and summer architecture design workshops that have been offered every year by the School of Architecture will also be conducted.영남대학교 건축학부 학생 작품 전시 모습.jpg
<Graduation exhibition of students at the School of Architecture>
   YU School of Architecture Professor Lee Dae-jin said, “We were selected for this project not by the efforts of the School of Architecture alone, but through the ongoing collaboration with the YU LINC+ project team and the Employment and On-site Training Support Team,” and added, “We will spare no support to foster students with world-class practical capacities in architectural design.”


  The YU School of Architecture’s major in architecture received four consecutive accreditations for architecture school since being the first to receive accreditation from the Korea Architectural Accrediting Board. In addition to on-site practices, it has also offered overseas on-site field work programs from 2019 to strengthen the architecture design capacities of students, and thus becoming recognized externally as well.