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Yeungnam University and Gyeongsangbuk-do Teams Up for ‘Globalization of Saemaul’ N

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  • Date : 2021.05.07 17:19
  • Views : 8835
Local government - University - Saemaul Globalization Foundation enters MOU to share Saemaul Undong with developing countries
Integrating the expertise of education and research of YU in Saemaul international development and the Saemaul globalization project of local governments
Governor Lee Cheol-woo, “Collaboration with YU having expertise in Saemaul development crucial”
[April 22, 2021]
<Saemaul Globalization Foundation President Chang Dong-hee, Gyeongbuk Governor Lee Cheol-woo and YU President CHOI Oe-chool (from left) pose for a photo after entering an MOU for the activation of the Saemaul Undong to contribute to the eradication of poverty and for sustainable development of developing countries.
In commemoration of the 51th anniversary of Saemaul on April 22nd, the three major entities of the Saemaul Undong such as Gyeongsangbuk-do, Saemaul Globalization Foundation, and YU teamed up to activate the Saemaul Undong to contribute to the eradication of poverty and sustainable development of developing countries.>
On the afternoon of the 22nd at the YU Chunma Art Center Convention Hall, Gyeongbuk Governor Lee Cheol-woo, YU President CHOI Oe-chool, Saemaul Globalization Foundation President Chang Dong-hee, and others were in attendance for the MOU ceremony.

With the signing of this MOU, these three institutes agreed for mutual cooperation in △joint operation of the Saemaul Globalization Foundation and the Gyeongbuk Gumi Saemaul Undong Theme Park △cooperation for the establishment of overseas Saemaul pilot villages and Saemaul training △mutual cooperation and personnel exchange such as forums and seminars to share the outcomes of the Saemaul Undong globalization with the international society △find and implement new contents and future strategy projects for the activation of Saemaul Undong globalization △proposals to the government and government agencies such as KOICA and the joint response plan sponsored by public sectors.

In particular, this MOU was signed as Gyeongsangbuk-do, the location where the Saemaul Undong originated and that has continuously been leading projects related to Saemaul Undong since the 1970s, actively called upon YU for cooperation. The purpose of this is to integrate the expertise and knowhow on ‘Saemaulogy’ and ‘Saemaul international development’ systemized by YU into the Saemaul projects being pursued by local governments.
YU President CHOI Oe-chool said, “By integrating the expertise accumulated in Saemaul studies and international development accumulated by YU with the Saemaul projects pursued by local governments, there will be synergy effects,” and added, “The Republic of Korea is a model case of recipients of official development assistance (ODA) that has changed from a recipient country to a donor country. We will team up with Gyeongsangbuk-do so that the economic and social development experience of Korea can be shared with developing countries through the Saemaul Undong and to promote development of those nations by utilizing the Saemaul Undong.”

Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor Lee Cheol-woo said, “The administration is not enough for Gyeongbuk to prepare for the rapidly changing times during the fourth industrial revolution. Collaboration with YU that acts as the brain of the ‘Saemaul Undong’ with expertise is crucial.” He added, “I hope that this MOU will serve as the starting point of a great leap for the reawakening of Gyeongbuk’s Saemaul.”

In 1976, YU established the ‘Department of Regional Social Development’ and over the past forty years, it academically systemized the Saemaul Undong through continuous academic activities, research and education related to regional social development and Saemaul Undong. In 2015, it changed the department name to the Department of Saemaul Studies and International Development, and it has been evaluated to have led the development of developing countries by fostering human resources in the Saemaul and international development sector. The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul(PSPS) was established in 2011 to conduct Saemaul education for 763 social leaders from a total of 70 developing countries. Up until now, a total of 641 graduates of the PSPS have earned master’s degrees in majors such as ‘Saemaul studies’ and YU has been recognized as the hub university for the research and education of ‘Saemaul studies’ by the international community. Graduates of the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul are currently serving as major policy legislators, international development experts, and Saemaul Undong leaders in the central governments, public institutes, and international NGOs all around the world. Furthermore, YU is providing academic research, education programs, and policy consulting by establishing institutes specializing in education and research in Saemaul Undong such as the Institute for International Development Cooperation and the Park Chung Hee Saemaul Undong Institute, etc.
Gyeongsangbuk-do has been operating the Department of Saemaul(Division of Saemaeul Service) since 1973 to lead the Saemaul Undong both domestically and internationally. It is the cradle of the Saemaul Undong that has safeguarded the spirit of the Saemaul Undong for the past 50 years. Since 2005, it has been leading the 21st century Saemaul Undong through globalization projects for the Saemaul Undong. It has been establishing overseas pilot villages in 64 villages across 16 countries in Africa and Asia, and it has been planting a new model for Korean ODA projects by utilizing the Saemaul Undong such as fostering foreign leaders, establishing overseas institutes and research centers, holding international forums and seminars, and pursuing cooperation projects with international organizations and overseas companies. By constructing relevant organizations and infrastructure such as the launching of the Saemaul Globalization Foundation in 2013 and the establishment of the Saemaul Undong Theme Park in 2017, etc., it has been solidifying its position as the birthplace of the Saemaul Undong.