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Megagen Implant President Park Gwang-beom Donates 100 Million KRW as Development Funds for YU N

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  • Date : 2021.08.26 18:06
  • Views : 8499

Supporting international students from developing countries at the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul

Pursuing international development cooperation projects with international cooperation organizations in Africa through YU’s global network

Presenting a new industry-academic cooperation model of universities-businesses-international cooperation organizations for ‘synergy effects’

[August 10, 2021]
박광범 ㈜메가젠임플란트 대표가 영남대학교에 발전기금 1억 원을 기탁했다..jpg
    Megagen Implant President Park Gwang-beom donated 100 million KRW to YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) as development funds.


  At 11 a.m. on the 9th, Mr. Park Gwang-beom met with YU President CHOI Oe-chool and donated 100 million KRW expressing his wish to help with the development of the university. The development fund donated by Mr. Park will be used to support international students at the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul.


  Mr. Park stated, “We have been maintaining good relations with YU through international development cooperation projects through the global network built by YU. The global human network possessed by the university was very helpful for us to continuously pursue health and welfare improvement projects in developing countries as a specialized medical technology company.” He added, “We will do our best to support the fostering of experts in Saemaul and international development that the YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul is aiming for.”


  The development fund donation was the result from the partnership in the international development cooperation project that is being pursued together with YU. Megagen Impact entered a trilateral MOU with YU and LVRLACC (Lake Victoria Region Local Authorities & Counties Cooperation), which is an international cooperation organization of three African nations back in 2018.


  This MOU was made possible through the global network built by YU, and it drew great interest from society as a new type of industry-academic cooperation model in which a Korean university and company pursued international development cooperation projects together with international cooperation organizations. Megagen Implant, which possesses world-class medical technologies, is pursuing public health and welfare improvement projects in Eastern Africa.


  YU President CHOI Oe-chool said, “In addition to Megagen Implant, which possesses world-class medical technologies, pursuing international development cooperation projects, the fact that it is supporting the fostering of human resources in developing countries can have a great synergy effect for the company, university and developing country.” He added, “Starting with the passing on of knowledge in the Saemaul and international development sector that YU has accumulated, it is a model for a new type of industry-academic cooperation and a good example for expanding global exchange.” We hope that global exchange will grow to various fields such as society, economics and culture by utilizing the global network of YU. Korea has become the first country to be recognized by the UN Back on July 2 to have transitioned from the poorest country to a developing country, and now a developed country. I would like to once again thank President Park Gwang-beom of Megagen Implant who made the generous contribution to society at a juncture where we must now play a role fitting to a developed country.