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Professor Kim Jae-ryong selected as Best 50 in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Research and Development Project N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2008.12.01 14:45
  • Views : 13590

50 projects selected from 355 applicants
Research on Vascular Cell Aging, Only among MEST funded \'Basic Medical Science Research Center\' research achievements

  \"Why are there more vascular diseases as we age?\" \"What methods are there to keep our arteries healthy from our 20s to our 80s?\" Kim Jae-ryong (47, Biochemical Molecular Biology, photo), professor at Yeungnam University, who is currently conducting basic studies on vascular aging solely in the nation, was selected in the MEST R&D project \'Best 50\'.

 The Korea Science and Engineering Foundation announced the \'2008 Best 50 Research Achievements for the MEST R&D Project\'. This is for systematically administering outstanding research accomplishments among national R&D projects, while at the same time promoting the national interest and understanding of it. For this, the foundation sought after potential candidates until February for basic science research projects, future source technology development projects, space development projects and nuclear energy R&D projects. Of 335 research applicants, a total of 50 were selected after stringent screening and verification procedures.

 According to this, Professor Kim was selected in the final 50 for the research accomplishments of \'vascular cell aging by combined proteins for insulin protons\'. It was the only applicant selected for the accomplishments of MRC (Medical science and engineering Research Center) supported projects. There were a total of 17 screened for this among MRC supported projects.

 Kim claims that \"People age as their arteries age.\" He also adds, \"The number one cause for deaths among the senior population over 65 in Korea is senior vascular diseases such as stroke, arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Thus, taking into consideration the speed of our nation\'s aging population, it will be much more effective to increase the life span by promoting healthy aging, rather than treating the ill.\" He also stated, \"the final objective of this research is to define the cause and effects of vascular aging and to develop technologies and medicine to suppress aging so that we can keep our healthy arteries from our 20s until our 80s.\"

 Professor Kim is currently in charge of the \'Aging-associated Vascular Disease Research Center(AVDRC)\'. This center is the first and only nationally funded research center that studies old-age vascular diseases. It was selected as an MRC by MEST and the Korea Sicence and Engineering Foundation in June 2005. After opening its doors in March, 2006, it defined the effects of aging on vascular diseases such as high-blood pressure and arteriosclerosis at a cellular and molecular level. It is currently pursuing new technology developments for anti-vascular aging. Approximately 19 billion won will be funded for this project until June 2014.