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No Wonder Hanwoo Beef Tastes 'Better'! N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2013.05.13 11:49
  • Views : 10252
Professor Choi, Chang Bon of the School of Biotechnology scientifically proved the superior taste of Hanwoo Beef after 3 years of research
36 times more 'inosine monophosphate' than American beef and 7 times more than Australian beef
More antioxidants, anti-aging, and hangover recovery materials in Hanwoo Beef
[April 15, 2013]
 Professor Choi, Chang Bon, who scientifically proved the better taste of Hanwoo Beef after three years of research
 Does Hanwoo Beef really taste better than American beef or Australian beef? If so, why?
 YU Professor Choi, Chang Bon (52, School of Biotechnology, photo), who spent over 20 years to prove the superiority of Hanwoo(Korean Native Cattle), finally found the answer. He scientifically proved that Hanwoo beef had a considerably larger amount of 'inosine monophosphate', which is a nucleic acid substance that determines the taste of beef, compared to American beef and Australian beef.
 Professor Choi began an exploratory research on substances related to taste in sirloins of Hanwoo beef, American beef and Australian beef with the support of the Hanwoo Board. Samples used for this research in the past 3 years include 60 head of Hanwoo and 20 head of both American cattle and Australian cattle. Hanwoo beef was selected evenly among 3 grade to 1++ grade, and imported beef were purchased in local markets.
 In result, Professor Choi discovered that while there was an average of 2.57μM (micro mole) per 100g of 'inosine monophosphate', which determines the taste of beef serloin, in Hanwoo beef, there was only 0.07μM in American beef and 0.35μM in Australian beef. 'Inosine monophosphate' is a natural ingredient that gives the unique taste of protein and it stimulates the taste senses related to 'good taste' on the tongue. It has a similar taste to MSG, a chemical seasoning, and it has been reported that Japanese wagyu beef contains a large amount of it.
 However, this is the first time that studies were made on 'inosine monophosphate' for Hanwoo beef. Professor Choi analyzed that Hanwoo beef had 36 times more inosine monophosphate than American beef and 7 times more than Australian beef. Thus, he was able to prove the 'unique flavor' of Hanwoo beef through scientific and objective data. In addition, Professor Choi also revealed that Hanwoo beef had 2.7 times more than American beef and 1.4 times more than Australian beef of 'carnosine', which has anti-oxidizing, anti-aging and hangover recovery effects.
 Earlier on, Professor Choi presented research results that 'cholesterol contents in Hanwoo beef are lower than imported beef' and that 'the monounsaturated fatty acid in Hanwoo beef lowered bad cholesterol and neutral fat content in the blood of lab animals and people', as he contributed to scientifically proving the excellence of Hanwoo beef.
 Professor Choi stated, "Everybody knows that we cannot protect Hanwoo farms just by appealing to patriotism in the Era of FTA. Thus, it is absolutely necessary to procure scientific and objective data that prove the superiority of Hanwoo." He also added, "The next step to take is to establish a research institute that studies the unique characteristics of Hanwoo, discovers and organizes data more systematically, and distributes them."