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YU-Israel Searches for the Exchange in the Medical, Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences Fields N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2013.04.03 18:08
  • Views : 10141
“Korea is the gateway to the Asia market and we want to begin exchange and cooperation through YU…”
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority-Israeli Delegation Visits YU
Search for the exchange and the cooperation and joint research in the medical, pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors
[March 22, 2013]
 The Israeli delegation visiting YU on the 21st pose for a photo.
(from third in front row left to right, YU President Noh, Seok Kyun, chairperson of IATI Dr. Zeevi, Ambassador of Commerce Fohrer)
 YU (president Noh, Seok Kyun) opened up possibilities for exchange in medical, pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors with Israel.
 The Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority(DGFEZ)-Israeli Delegation visited YU at 3 P.M. on the 21st to search for possibilities for academic exchange and joint research in the medical, pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors.
 Chairperson of the IATI (Israel Advanced Technology Industries) Dr. Benny Zeevi, as well as commercial ambassador Ofer Fohrer of the Israeli Embassy, Ahn, Jung Gon, the director of the DGFEZ Investment Policy and Simon Bruce Hoggett, the officer of the DGFEZ Investment Strategy Team met with YU President Noh, Seok Kyun and discussed hopes for cooperation with YU in the medical, pharmaceutical and life sciences fields.
 Dr. Zeevi stated, "There are over 900 companies in the life sciences sector in Israel, but most are new companies with only about 10 years of experience. However, due to its high future growth potential, the government is actively fostering this sector investing about 4.7% of the GDP in R&D," as he introduced the Israeli government's pro-innovation policies.
 He also explained, "Because Israel does not have a local market, all companies are enhancing their global competitiveness for the global market," and added, "We hope to place YU as our starting point to increase exchange and cooperation with Korea as the important gateway to the Asia market. We have high hopes since YU is playing a crucial role in constructing the Daegu High-tech Medical Complex."
 President Noh said in reply, "YU has a long tradition and the potential in the medical and pharmaceutical sector, and it has also procured outstanding personnel in the life sciences sector recently, and is achieving much in research." He also added, "We hope that today's visit will lead the cooperation and exchange with each other."
 Following President Noh, director of the YU Clinical Trial Center for Medical Devices of Yeungnam University Hospital Ahn, Sang Ho (Department of Rehabilitation medicine), dean of the College of Pharmacy Kim, Jung Ae, Director of Funded Research Lee, Hee Young (Director of Research Cooperation Foundation, School of Materials Science and Engineering), Associate Vice-President of Funded Research Choi, In Ho (Deputy Director of Research Cooperation Foundation, School of Biotechnology) introduced their research personnel and the superiority and achievements of their research infrastructure as they asserted their intent for cooperation.
 YU is planning to pursue exchange with Israeli universities through this visit by the Israeli delegation.
